How to Remove CBCS Collections From Your Credit Report

How to Remove CBCS Collections From Your Credit Report

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CBCS is a large collection agency based in Jacksonville, Florida.

If you’ve been getting unwanted letters or calls from this debt collector, I’m going to show you how to remove CBCS Collections from your credit report and get them to stop calling.

Who is CBCS?

Credit Bureau Collection Services, Inc. (CBCS) is now Revco Solutions, Inc. CBCS is an aggressive debt collection agency with locations in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida.

You may see CBCS listed on your credit report as a collections account. This can happen if you owe a creditor money and they’ve hired someone to collect that money.

Is CBCS Collections a Legitimate Company?

CBCS Collections is legitimate. They are a collection company working on behalf of your original creditor. They’ve been in business for almost 100 years, helping companies earn money back that they lost due to default.

While they are legitimate, it doesn’t mean you should talk to them or give in and pay the collection they are hounding you about.

There are some proven ways to remove CBCS Collections from your FREE credit report, helping you through the difficult time that caused the issue.

If you don’t remove them from your credit report, the information will stay on your credit report for 7 years. While it does not affect your credit score the entire 7 years, future lenders see it.

When lenders see an unpaid collection, it’s a red flag.

Here’s how to remove CBCS Collections

1. Request Debt Validation

Any time a collection agency sends you a notice of the debt, you have 30 days to validate it. In other words, you have 30 days to send a letter requesting debt validation.

In short, you’re asking the collection agency to tell you the following:

  • The outstanding debt amounts
  • Original creditor’s name
  • The original date of the debt
  • Your last payment dates

If CBCS Collections can’t prove the above information, you can request that the credit bureaus remove the information from your credit report.

This works occasionally, not always, so try it but have a backup method if it fails.

2. Negotiate a Settlement

If CBCS validates your debt and you know what you owe, negotiate a settlement. It’s easier than you think. Ignore the stern voices on the other end of the phone. In fact, conduct all conversations in writing.

Think about what you can afford. If you’re making a lump sum payment, let the collection agency know how much you’re willing to pay right away.

They may settle for less if they know you’ll pay it in full (don’t pay over the phone). If you need a payment arrangement, negotiate the total amount you’ll pay.

Remember, CBCS bought your debt for a fraction of what it’s worth so they’ll make money even if you only pay a small amount of the full amount owed.

Don’t be afraid to be aggressive with your negotiations.

3. Hire a Credit Repair Company

Hiring professionals to handle your credit issues usually has excellent results. Here’s why.

You have a negative item on your credit report. You are stressed and overwhelm. You’ll do anything to get rid of it, including pay whatever the stern collection agent says you must pay when he calls.

What if you did not have to? That’s what the best credit repair companies look for when helping you. Most collections are reported in error.

That’s not to say that you don’t owe the money – chances are that you do, but there could be other errors that the credit repair company catches that get you out of debt. Here’s why.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has your back. If anything is reported inaccurately or unfairly, the credit bureaus can remove it – it’s your right.

4. Ask for Goodwill Deletion

If you’re usually a good customer and always pay your bills on time, but you slipped up this once, ask for a goodwill deletion.

You don’t disagree with the debt. Instead, you admit you made a mistake, and ask the creditor for ‘mercy’ in deleting the collection this one time.

Not all creditors allow it, but if you had a rare circumstance that caused you to slip up and you are usually a great customer, you may be surprised.

Make sure you have proof of your ‘good history’ and give plenty of reasons why the creditor should let it slide this one time.

If they agree, get it in writing. Don’t agree to anything on the phone. Keep the proof should it show up on your credit report down the road.

CBCS “Pay for Delete” Agreement

If the company does prove the debt and there are no errors on your credit report, you’re not out of options.

Your last choice is to pay all of what you owe, or some of it, in return for having the CBCS credit entry removed.

Before you pay all of it, definitely get in touch with CBCS and try to pay less!

Since these firms tend to pay a lot less for debt than the actual debt amount that they want to collect, they are often willing to do a deal.

If they get some of the money, they typically still turn a profit.

Try offering the company half of what you owe. It’s a good starting point for negotiation.

Also, make sure that the company agrees to remove the entry from the credit report in exchange for the payment.

Some people negotiate by phone, as it’s easier to do the back-and-forth which is characteristic of a negotiation process via telephone. It’s ok to talk on the phone about this.

Just be sure to request a letter detailing the new payment arrangement, along with the stipulation that the credit entry will be removed once the payment is received.

Don’t pay until you get a letter!

CBCS Collections Complaints

Most collection agencies have numerous complaints filed against them with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). It’s because they often report accounts inaccurately and/or for harassment. If you are being harassed by a debt collector, you should also consider filing a complaint.

You have many consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Lexington Law knows that you have rights and CBCS does too.

CBCS Contact Information

  • Mailing Address: 236 E Town St, Columbus, OH, 43215
  • Phone Number: 800-934-8522