How to Remove Hunter Warfield from Your Credit Report

How to Remove Hunter Warfield from Your Credit Report

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In this article we are going to see how to remove Hunter Warfield from your Credit Report.

Who is Hunter Warfield?

Hunter Warfield, Inc, is a large debt collection agency that specializes in buying consumer debt from third party companies.

This means Hunter Warfield bought your debt for pennies on the dollar and they will turn a profit if they make you pay anything more than what they originally purchased it for.

As you can imagine, Hunter Warfield is notorious for calling consumers, sending letters, and in some cases, threatening you to pay them money.

Is Hunter Warfield a Legitimate Company?

Yes, Hunter Warfield, Inc, is a legit company that is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Their upbringing began in 2004 when Hunter Warfield was founded in Maryland.

With over 195 employees, Hunter Warfield manages over $1 billion in debt on behalf of their clients, who they either purchase debt from or collect for.

Furthermore, Hunter Warfield is a member of the International Association of Commercial Collections (IACC) and ACA International. These two organizations help establish ethical standards and produce publications for debt collection agencies.

4 Simple Ways to remove Hunter Warfield

Follow below steps to Remove Hunter Warfield

1. Hire a Credit Repair Company

Whether you like it or not, you are no credit expert, and the best way to remove Hunter Warfield from your credit report is by hiring a credit repair company.

To date, the best credit repair companies have helped millions of consumers successfully remove negative items, rebuild their credit, and improve their credit score.

On your behalf, a credit repair company will handle all correspondence between you and the debt collector, file disputes, and will remove Hunter Warfield from your credit report.

Backed by years of experience, Credit Saint is our top choice when it comes to reputable credit repair companies. Their team of in-house credit experts leverage the Fair Credit Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to help you deal with Hunter Warfield, Inc.

So, if you are looking for a sure shot way to remove Hunter Warfield from your credit report, then look no further. Hiring a credit repair company is the best thing you can do to quickly deescalate the situation and save your credit.

2. Request Debt Validation

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1 in 5 consumers have at least one error on their credit report. If you ask me, this is astronomical.

If you do not want to hire a credit repair company (which we recommend), then your next step is to send a debt validation letter. As soon as Hunter Warfield, Inc contacts you, you must submit a debt validation letter within 30-days.

Unfortunately, this strategy is time-sensitive. Make sure to send your debt validation letter in certified mail, this ensures your letter gets to Hunter Warfield, Inc. After you submit your letter, Hunter Warfield should provide documentation and or proof that the debt is in fact yours.

If the debt is yours, then you need to pay it off. Suppose they cannot validate your debt. In that case, Hunter Warfield must contact the three credit bureaus and remove the collection account from your credit report.

3. Negotiate a Settlement

Like we said, if Hunter Warfield can validate your debt, then you need to pay them the money. It sucks, but it is reality. Your next bet is to hire a credit repair company to remove the negative item and begin to take steps to improve your credit.

But if you want to keep trying, then you can negotiate a settlement or negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement. A pay-for-delete deal works just like it sounds.

You pay Hunter Warfield, Inc the money, but in exchange, they agree to delete the negative item on your credit report. Make sure this agreement is documented and signed by both parties. This gives you leverage in case you need to escalate the issue further with a legal action or take it up to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Once you pay Hunter Warfield, follow up with all three credit bureaus and make sure they remove the collection account from your credit report. This is the most crucial step in the whole negotiation process.

Remember, a collection account can stay on your credit report for up to 7-years and will hurt your credit score.

4. Ask for a Goodwill Deletion

If requesting debt validation or negotiating a settlement fail, then your last option is to ask for a goodwill deletion.

Just like debt validation, asking for a goodwill deletion requires you to submit a letter to Hunter Warfield. In your letter, make sure to include why you were late on the payment or cannot afford to pay it off.

While this strategy rarely works, it is still an option. Those who find success with goodwill letter usually include some hardship they faced. For example, a recent job layoff or an unexpected family emergency that cause financial strain.

Whatever it is, make sure you are 100% honest and transparent. Hunter Warfield reserves the right to ask for supporting documentation before they even consider acknowledge your goodwill deletion request.

Hunter Warfield “Pay-for-Delete”

This strategy is exactly what the name implies. You’ll be sending Hunter Warfield a pay-for-delete letter, offering to make full payment on the debt in exchange for their removing the collection account from your credit report.

If they agree, get it confirmed in writing before sending payment. But, you should be aware that even if you do have written confirmation, the company may still fail to remove the collection account from your credit report.

First, pay-for-delete arrangements can’t be legally enforced. In fact, they represent a violation of the collection agency’s relationship with the credit bureaus.

And, given that at least some of the complaints filed against the company with the Better Business Bureau indicate an unfulfilled pay-for-delete arrangement, there’s an excellent chance Hunter Warfield will take your money and not remove the negative credit information.

Hunter Warfield Complaints

Most collection agencies have numerous complaints filed against them with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Most complaints are about inaccurate reporting, harassment, or failure to verify a debt. If you find yourself facing any of these situations with a debt collector, you should also consider filing a complaint.

You have many consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Lexington Law knows that you have rights and Hunter Warfield does too.

Hunter Warfield Contact Information

If you have any questions, here is their contact information.

  • Mailing Address: 4620 Woodland Corporate Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614
  • Phone Number: (888) 486 – 8927

Remember, the best thing to do is communicate with Hunter Warfield via certified mail.

Hunter Warfield FAQs

Is Hunter Warfield a Scam?

No, Hunter Warfield, Inc., is a legit debt collection agency partnering with apartment complexes, property management companies, medical clinics, credit card lenders, public utilities, and even funeral homes to collect old debts.

If you’re hearing from Hunter Warfield the agency thinks you owe it money, and it will hurt your credit score, limiting your chances of getting low interest rates on loans. Low credit scores even raise car insurance rates in most states.

Can Hunter Warfield Collections Sue Me?

Yes, any creditor can sue you in civil court for collection of the debt. If your debt is older than your state’s statute of limitations on debt, the civil lawsuit should be dismissed immediately.

Even if the debt is too old for a lawsuit, it will still harm your credit score. Unpaid debt remains on your credit report for seven years.